May 3, 2023
Butler County Educational Service Center; 400 N. Erie Blvd., Hamilton, OH
BCBA 1.0 Attorney Professional Conduct CLE Credit
The Designated Attorney Inventory program is a small, simple, but important step toward protecting your practice. Your Butler County Bar Association fields many calls each year looking for information on attorneys who are retired, missing, incapacitated or deceased attorney. We can help these callers only if we have a little information. Firms, past associates, or partners are very helpful, but the solo practitioner is at risk. When we cannot locate information on an attorney, we are left with one recourse. The Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio: “[D]isciplinary counsel or the chair of a certified grievance committee may appoint one or more attorneys to inventory the files of an attorney and take action . . . as is necessary to protect the interest of clients of the attorney.” Gov. Bar R. V §26.
The Designated Inventory Attorney project provides a starting point for clients trying to find you or needing help when you are incapacitated or even winding down your practice. This Project is a service to the Bar, the public, and attorneys’ surviving families.
with special speaker:
Magistrate Adolfo Olivas
(Butler County Juvenile Court)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Check–in begins at 11:30am
Butler County Educational Service Center
400 North Erie Blvd.
(located across from the Hamilton Fire Department #25)
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
**Registration deadline is May 1, 2023**
**Space is limited - at door registrations are not guaranteed a handout &/or seat**
Registration Fees:
BCBA Member | $30.00 | |
Non-Member | $40.00 |